Minister Melvin Morgan, Minister Ruby Maxwell, Minister Lacrondia Rhines, Minister Xavier Preston
Music Ministry: Bro. Paul White
Bro. Chris Mitchell, Bro. Albert Pearson
Youth Choir
Voices of Beth-Eden: Bro. Danny White, Leader
Male Chorus
Women’s Chorus, Combined Choir
Chair, Deacon James Williams, Deacon Reggie Mitchell, Deacon Don Crook, Deacon Ron Crook, Deacon Don Mosley, Deacon Greg Cuington, and Deacon Danny White
The Deacon’s ministry is a ministry that helps the pastor and serves the congregation in prayer, service, serving church ordinances, and other areas of ministry as needed.
The deaconess ministry works with the deacons and pastor to serve the congregation and minister to others.
The bereavement and caring ministry reaches out to members who may be, shut-in, bereaved, or have been missed in worship. The ministry prays for the congregation and ministers to the congregation whenever there is a need.
The youth ministry supports, guides, and builds the youth of the church through teaching, activities, and prayer.
The prayer ministry keeps the pastor, church, and ministry leaders covered in prayer. The ministry prays for the needs of people on the prayer line and from the prayer request box.
This ministry gives instruction for Sunday school for all ages and assists in providing educational instruction and enrichment for spiritual growth. The Sunday school ministry assists with other teaching aspects of the church, including Wednesday Bible Study and Vacation Bible School.
The evangelism and outreach ministry prays for the unsaved and unchurched. The ministry evangelizes and shares the love of Christ with those who are without Christ.
The new member orientation ministry teaches and guides new members of the church by praying with them and helping them to become acclimated to the Beth-Eden family and the family of God.
The Sisters in Christ ministry is the women and mission ministry of the church. The women of the church come together to pray, worship, Bible study, fellowship, and serve.
The MACK ministry is a ministry in which the men of the church come together to learn, fellowship, grow, pray, minister, serve, and strengthen one another for the glory of God
The usher and greeters ministry serve the congregation by helping to welcome those who enter the building and making the worship experience pleasant.
The jail ministry ministers to those who are incarcerated. The ministry prays, worships, and gives a message to those in jail.
Prison Ministry: Coalition of Churches in Prison Ministry
Pastor C.O. Preston
Minister Melvin Morgan
Minister Xavier Preston
Sis. Mary Perkins
Sis. Wendolyn Ingram
Bro. Greg Cuington.
Bro. Lindsey Johnson
The Ministry Support assists and serves the ministries of the church through prayer, encouragement, and necessary support.